NFT Holder Access – Login With NFT


Restrict access to posts, pages and products with our easy-to-integrate NFT Holders Access WordPress plugin.

Specify a particular NFT or NFT collection to hide parts of your WordPress website.



Hide posts, pages or products depending on a specific NFT or NFT collection.
Works with NFTs on Binance, Ethereum or Polygon blockchains.

WordThree – Free Version – click here to download.
PHP: 7.3 or higher
WordPress: 5.0 or higher
WooCommerce: 5.3 or higher
MetaMask browser extension – view here.

To request support, you must have an active license. Please message us via the contact page, detailing your issue an a member of the team will get back to you.

Click here to visit the contact page.


Customise restriction page


Release – Restrict access to pages, posts or products.

About NFT Members Access Plugin

Can I hide indivdual posts, pages or products with this plugin?

Through this plugin you have the power to make certain parts of your website exclusive.

When editing a post, page or product, determine which NFT collection someone must hold in order to gain access. Hide away what only true fans know about – customize content for those who truly understand and appreciate it!

Will WordThree work with my WooCommerce store?

Absolutely! That’s right, you can now let only select NFT holders access product pages using the power of our NFT Members Access & WooCommerce integration. An amazing way to show your appreciation for loyal customers while enhancing user experience at the same time.

Do I need to purchase WordThree Pro to use this plugin?

Absolutely not! You won’t need to shell out for WordThree Pro here – the free version of WordThree is all you’ll need in order to take advantage of this plugin’s capabilities.

Is there any documentation?

Yes, you can read the full documentation by clicking here.

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