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NFT Holder Access Documentation

Unlock the potential of your WordPress website with NFT Holder Access. Lock and secure pages, posts or products on your site for users who possess a selected Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in their digital wallet to verify access!

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Looking to protect the contents of your website? Look no further! By pairing a smart contract with an NFT collection, you can have ultimate control over who has access – simply restrict individual pages, posts or products from being seen by anyone except holders of the designated NFT collection.

Main Features
  • Add an NFT collection to the settings
  • Restrict individual pages, posts or products
  • A user must verify ownership of the NFT via their MetaMask wallet
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • Ethereum, Polygon & Binance Blockchains



To verify ownership of an NFT, the NFT will need to be held in your MetaMask wallet.

Once your Chrome browser opens, head to MetaMask’s website and click the download link. After installing, it will prompt you to create an account:

WordThree – Free Version

For NFT Holder Access to work, you will need the free version of WordThree. Click here to access.

PHP Version:7.0 or higher.


Install Plugin Via The WordPress Dashboard
  1. Download zip file from the ‘My Account’ page of
  2. Upload the zip file via your WordPress Dashboard: Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Click install and then activate the plugin.

Please note, for NFT Holder Access to function, you must have the free version of WordThree installed.

NFT Holder Access – Set Up Contract

Once the plugin has been successfully installed and activated, if you have not already installed WordThree previously, you will see a new item in the menu of the WordPress Dashboard named ‘WordThree Settings’. There will be an option called ‘NFT Contracts’, this is where you can add smart contracts associated with NFT collection.

For Reference

Ethereum block explorer
Binance block explorer
Polygon block explorer

Add contract details

1. Click ‘Add New’ and add the name of the NFT collection. This is for your reference only.

2. To add a contract address, you should navigate to an NFT from the desired collection on an available marketplace. For example, we can access a Sakoso Monster by visiting OpenSea here:

3. You can then open the ‘Details’ tab from this page and click on the ‘Contract Address’. This will open in a new window and you can then copy the ‘Contract Address’.

4. The contract ABI can be found by navigating to the block explorer website of the related NFT as described above. Choose the ‘Contract’ tab and then scroll until you find the ‘Contract ABI’. Copy this code and paste into the field available within the plugin.

5. Save changes.

Restrict Access To Pages, Posts or Products

Restrict access by NFT collection

1. Navigate to a page, post or product you wish to restrict to NFT holders.

2. A new setting will be available when editing a page, post or product, allowing you to select what NFT collection a user must hold to access the page.

Restrict access by individual NFT

3. Add a token ID if you wish to restrict access to holders of a particular NFT, rather than a whole collection.

4. This can be found by navigating to the NFT on a marketplace, such as Opensea.

5. Make sure to save your changes. The page will now be restricted unless the website visitor connects their MetaMask wallet to the website and confirms they are holding an NFT from the stated collection.

Settings: Customise restriction page

You can manage the notification and the button style shown on the page prior to the user verifying ownership of their NFT. To do this, go to the WordPress Dashboard > WordThree Settings > NFT Access.

From this page, you can edit the notification and the colour of the button on the page.

NFT Holder Access Settings


If you have purchased a license for NFT Holder Access, please click here to contact us.